Lula is a virtual porn star in the 90s. Build your own online with Lula Adult Empire. You start with a small office, heuerst to performers and produces short films and photo shoots, and then draw the increasingly large orders on land. Lula Online is the slightly different economic simulation.
Rate of pay: 1.50 € per Registration
Lula Online jetzt bewerben?
Kostenlos registrieren und die Links bzw. Werbemittel abrufen, welche daraufhin z.B. auf einer Website, in einem Messenger oder mit einem Social-Media Profil verwendet werden können.
As AdKlick Publisher, you get 1.50 EUR for each new and active players. The registration is completely free. Remuneration only for valid data, including in particular include a valid email address. No compensation for disposable e-mail addresses. Furthermore, the following conditions apply:
- No further compensation or incentives - No reward / cashback portals - No search engine marketing
Any breach of these conditions will result in immediate cancellation of all trades.
Advertising medium
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