The casual dating portal is aimed at both singles and contractors aged 18- 60 looking for an exciting date or an affair. With a large portfolio of over 1.5 million satisfied members and detailed type and motivation analyzes, suitable partner recommendations are guaranteed. Earn 1.75 EUR per free signup and 15.00 EUR per sale.
Rate of pay: 15.00 € per Registration
Mein-Date jetzt bewerben?
Kostenlos registrieren und die Links bzw. Werbemittel abrufen, welche daraufhin z.B. auf einer Website, in einem Messenger oder mit einem Social-Media Profil verwendet werden können.
AdKlick advertising partners receive for each free, confirmed registration first a remuneration of 1.75 EUR (Signup) as well as additionally a remuneration of 15.00 EUR (Sale), as soon as the customer chooses the paid membership. An incentive (reimbursement) of registrations is not permitted.
Advertising medium
Die Werbemittel des Partnerprogramms sind nicht mehr verfügbar.