Mobile Spy

Mobile Spy Affiliate program

Here landing pages are advertised with the MobileSpy product. Which is a special Ortungsapp. You will receive a remuneration of 9.00 EUR + 0,50 EUR AdKlick bonus = 9.50 EUR for each new participant.

Rate of pay: 9.00 € + 0.50 € = 9.50 € per Registration

Order volume: Volume reached
Cookie-Lifetime: 90 Days
Rate: n/a %
Activation: ca. 33 Days
Duration until: 11.05.2013
Sub-ID Tracking: available
AdKlick Bonus: 0.50 EUR

Payment terms

Remuneration is paid for every visitor, which uses the fee-based service with correct data active.

Furthermore, the following conditions apply:

- No further compensation or incentives
- No reward / cashback portals
- No search engine marketing

Any breach of these conditions will result in immediate cancellation of all trades.

Advertising medium

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