
Preis-zeigen Affiliate program

Everything is very simple ... price is a so-called live shopping portal. We offer you thousands of exciting products ... but at much better prices. Here you can save plenty of them because prices fall automatically and constantly with us. The longer a product is offered, the cheaper it is - until someone buys. Looking somebody the current price after, it falls every time for all interested parties in addition even faster.

Rate of pay: 2.00 € per Registration

Order volume: Volume reached
Cookie-Lifetime: 90 Days
Rate: n/a %
Activation: ca. 33 Days
Duration until: 26.08.2009
Sub-ID Tracking: available
AdKlick Bonus: 0.00 EUR

Payment terms

We pay a flat rate 2.00 EUR for each bid purchase of a new customer.

Advertising medium

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