iPhoneX Gewinnspiel

iPhoneX Gewinnspiel Affiliate program

The iPhone8 and the iPhoneX are there and better than ever! Your users can choose an iPhone8 or iPhoneX in this raffle and, with only a little luck, win a brand new model.

Rate of pay: 2.00 € per Registration

Order volume: Volume reached
Cookie-Lifetime: 90 Days
Rate: n/a %
Activation: ca. 33 Days
Duration until: 30.09.2018
Sub-ID Tracking: available
AdKlick Bonus: 0.00 EUR

Payment terms

The remuneration is per confirmed participant. Participation is completely free. No entry services (manual or automated), temporary or erroneous e-mail addresses. No multiple logins, no duplicate records.

A lead will be considered valid if a unique user completely and correctly states his / her credentials and clicks on the confirmation link in the Double Opt-In Confirmation E-Mail of the Sweepstakes. IMPORTANT: All records undergo a comprehensive validity check - The data provided must match the registered raffle participant.

No incentivized traffic, no cashback

Advertising medium

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