
Umsorge Affiliate program

UMSORGE provides 24-hour support between families and selected nurses from Eastern Europe. The portal for care was created in order to reconcile two aspects: 1. the increased demand for nurses in Germany 2. the desire from Eastern Europe to be able to work in Germany at significantly better rates.

Rate of pay: 3.00 € per Registration

Order volume: Volume reached
Cookie-Lifetime: 90 Days
Rate: n/a %
Activation: ca. 33 Days
Duration until: 12.10.2017
Sub-ID Tracking: available
AdKlick Bonus: 0.00 EUR

Payment terms

The goal of this affiliate program is that German families with care needs to complete the questionnaire. A lead is made as follows: The questionnaire must be completed either completely or by means of a short inquiry with all mandatory fields with correct address details. Reimbursement systems such as cashback are not permitted.

Advertising medium

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