webelect magazine

webelect magazine Affiliate program

The webelect magazine can be thematically in the areas of design, web design and web development classify and presented in selected categories of the best websites from Germany. The aim is to web designers and web developers to introduce modern websites in order to provide information on current trends and developments. Moreover, it should companies show the direction in which your page could develop.

Rate of pay: 20.00% per Order per Sale

Order volume: Volume reached
Cookie-Lifetime: 90 Days
Rate: n/a %
Activation: ca. 33 Days
Duration until: 13.01.2012
Sub-ID Tracking: available
AdKlick Bonus: 0.00 EUR

Payment terms

Be reimbursed all sales through the online shop when the customer pays the invoice amount and the order is not revoked.

Advertising medium

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